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Intima Asia


HKIAIA has a New Leader

08 October 2017

The Hong Kong Intimate Apparel Industries’ Association has a new Chairman, actually a Chairlady! Mrs Angie Lau, Chief Ecexutive Officer of Clover HK; a very dynamic personality who is already bringing a new sense of life to an organization that has been

Mrs Lau, despite a very busy professional life you accepted to chair the HK association. How important is it to have an industry corporation in today’s global world?
It is extremely important and vital that HKIAIA assist our members to solicit government support to strengthen our global status as the leading sourcing hub for intimate apparel and continue to provide training and nurture the younger generation.  It is also of utmost importance to establish and implement the four key pillars, which were unanimously agreed by our Executive Committee (EXCOM).  These are: People – networking, Product - skill set, Capital – funding and Communication - data mining/digitization.

Which directions are you willing to lead the association in?
Together with my EXCOM, we strive to create an industry that can attract and nurture the younger generation to become a powerful force; continue to build on trust, sustainability and integrity and to move the industry towards a technologically driven hemisphere.

What has been your first decision in your new role?
To add more activities to our yearly calendar by having more cross pollination and functions with other associations and to ensure all members feel equality and a sense of engagement towards HKIAIA.

What will be your first objective this year?
I've already accomplished that. HKIAIA had invited two special VIP speakers to at our annual gala dinner in 2017.  The two speakers are owners of leading premier lingerie brands from two of the largest emerging markets in the world, namely Aimer for China and Amante for India.

Are you willing to change the annual conference in HK somehow?
HKIAIA is working closely with various government bodies spearheaded by our HKSAR Legislative Council member, Mr. Felix Chung, to create an HKIAIA lingerie function here in HK, in addition to working alongside with our other business partners.

Are you opening it to a wider audience?
I believe with more support from the HK Government, we can envision a much wider audience ranging from buyers to manufactures and the supply chain.

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